Parents of River Vale Football Players and Cheerleaders,
It is with great pride and enthusiasm that we welcome all of you to the start of the 2024 River Vale Raider Football (RVJFA) season. The RVJFA is a successful volunteer organization because of the dedication and commitment of our countless volunteers and you, our parents. With your support, the RVJFA will continue to be what we believe is the best run youth football and cheerleading organization in the state of New Jersey.
Whether your child is returning or joining us for the first time, we would like to extend our greetings to all and hope this season proves to be a fun and rewarding experience for everyone.
Ultimately, we are here to have FUN! Our goal of the RVJFA is to provide the children with quality instruction including a solid understanding of good sportsmanship, teamwork and commitment to one another. Additionally, at all times, we take great measures to protect our most precious asset. All coaches must complete and maintain the Rutgers Coaching Certification (a NJ State standard), a Background Check, a Concussion Certification, and a CPR/AED Certification.
We thank you for trusting us with playing a role in the development of your child. In return, we promise a safe, enjoyable and rewarding experience.
-The River Vale Junior Football Association Board of Directors
2024 Golf Outing Registration
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